Author Archives: f002szd

Steak Meme

Title: Steak Meme

General Information about Item:

  • Material and Verbal
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Sam Fox
    • From Edinburgh, Scotland
    • Started making memes because was one of first members
    • Sophomore at Dartmouth

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context:
    • This meme and its information were collected during a one on one interview in a study room in Baker Berry Library at Dartmouth College. Sam described how he made the meme on his computer as well as how this meme has since been spread around Dartmouth’s student population by way of the meme page, text messages, and email. This meme is meant to be enjoyed by Dartmouth students, but other college students might also find it funny due to the joke of the meme.
  • Cultural Context
    • The cultural context of this meme touches on two issues at Dartmouth. The first, FoCo undercooks their meat and it bleeds all over the plate. This is gross and unappealing. Most students who regularly eat at FoCo are aware of this. But, the second and more important joke is that  most Dartmouth professors who are tenured are not of color. This is why it is written over the “rare” part of the steak. This meme makes a joke out of a serious issue at Dartmouth that all students are exposed to,


Informant’s Comments:

  • Sam noted that both jokes in the meme were things he had problems with at Dartmouth. His goal was to combine the two and come up with a meme that can interpreted in different ways.

Collector’s Comments: 

  • I was impressed with Sam’s ability to come up with such a funny meme that makes joke of two issues here at Dartmouth.

Collector’s Name: Arthur Kaslow

Tags/Keywords: Dartmouth. Dartmouth Dining Services. Meme. Steak. Professors.

Hanlon Song Meme

Title: Hanlon Song Meme

General Information about Item:

  • Material and Verbal
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Delaney Hall
    • Junior at Dartmouth
    • From Garden City, NY
    • Brother at Beta
    • On the Swim Team

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context:
    • This meme and its information were collected during a one on one interview in a study room in Baker Berry Library at Dartmouth College. Delaney described how he made the meme on his computer as well as how this meme has since been spread around Dartmouth’s student population by way of the meme page, text messages, and email. This meme is meant to be enjoyed by all Dartmouth students in any scenario.
  • Cultural Context
    • The cultural context of this meme is that it combines a very popular meme format and adds a Dartmouth twist. Because of President Hanlon’s prevalence on the meme page, the video is a great addition since it does not make fun of anything in particular, just perpetuates Hanlon memes


Informant’s Comments:

  • Delaney said that after seeing a meme like this previous on something else, he saw a perfect opportunity to add a Dartmouth twist to it. He wanted it to be something original and unlike anything else on the page. It took him hours to make it

Collector’s Comments: 

  • I find this meme very funny and love the creativity. Delaney said it took a long time to make so I can appreciate his effort.

Tags/Keywords: Dartmouth. Hanlon. Meme. Meme.

Collector’s Name: Arthur Kaslow

Hiking Meme

Title: Hiking Meme

General Information about Item:

  • Material and Verbal
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Nick Motycka
    • Age: 19
    • Male
    • From Van Mert, Ohio
    • Public High School
    • Plays sports and video games
    • Started making memes in high school
    • Freshman at Dartmouth

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context:
    • This meme and its information were collected during a one on one interview in a study room in Baker Berry Library at Dartmouth College. Nick described how he made the meme on his computer as well as how this meme has since been spread around Dartmouth’s student population by way of the meme page, text messages, and email. This meme is meant to be enjoyed by Dartmouth students, especially those that went on trips and are very familiar with how challenging Hiking 4 is.
  • Cultural Context
    • The cultural context of this meme demonstrates the prevalence of boasting ones achievements, especially when others do not care very much. Nick, who went on Hiking 4, says that it was very challenging and those who completed it are very proud. The meme is pretty much showing how Dartmouth students are not the most humble and like to show off. In this case, those who completed a hard DOC Trip should go around telling people


Informant’s Comments:

  • Nick said that he went on the Hiking 4 trip and it was something that he was very proud of completing. He thought this meme was very creative since it used a very common meme format for something that the meme page has yet to see.

Collector’s Comments: 

  • In all honesty, I did not go on trips so when people bragged about which one they went one, I was never impressed. I think the meme is funny because it points out a flaw in the culture here at Dartmouth in a very comical way.

Collector’s Name: Arthur Kaslow

Tags/Keywords: Dartmouth. Trips. Meme. Hiking 4. Urinal.

Freshman Frats Memes

Title: Freshman Frats Memes

General Information about Item:

  • Material and Verbal: Joke
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Sam Fox
    • From Edinburgh, Scotland
    • Started making memes because was one of first members
    • Sophomore at Dartmouth

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context:
    • This meme and its information were collected during a one on one interview in a study room in Baker Berry Library at Dartmouth College. Sa, described how he made the meme on his computer as well as how this meme has since been spread around Dartmouth’s student population by way of the meme page, text messages, and email. This meme is meant to be enjoyed by Dartmouth students because of the vast amounts of fraternity parties that freshman all want to go to.
  • Cultural Context
    • Our informant told us the cultural context of this meme is that Dartmouth freshman are only worried about partying in the frats and have little interest in learning about the alternative social spaces. He is a UGA so the administration always tasks him with activities that promote the alternative social spaces but he said the freshman rarely engage. He said that in his UGA meetings, other UGAs have the same problem and are always just asked questions about the frats. The frats dominate the social scene so this meme hints at the fact that it will be very challenging for the administration to change that since even the freshman are already hooked.


Informant’s Comments:

  • Sam said he posted this because all the freshman he is a UGA for asked about frats and are not very interested in learning about the alternative social spaces.

Collector’s Comments: 

  • I find this meme to be very relatable since it was all I was concerned about when I was a freshman. This meme was sent to me by a friend when it was posted since we both related to it.

Collector’s Name: Arthur Kaslow

Tags/Keywords: Dartmouth. Frats. Freshman. Alternative Social Spaces. UGA.

Hanlon Mascot Meme

Title: Hanlon Mascot Meme

General Information about Item:

  • Material and Verbal: Joke
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Nick Motycka
    • Age: 19
    • Male
    • From Van Mert, Ohio
    • Public High School
    • Plays sports and video games
    • Started making memes in high school
    • Freshman at Dartmouth

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context:
    • This meme and its information were collected during a one on one interview in a study room in Baker Berry Library at Dartmouth College. Nick described how he made the meme on his computer as well as how this meme has since been spread around Dartmouth’s student population by way of the meme page, text messages, and email. This meme is meant to be enjoyed by Dartmouth students because it is inferred that the M&M is Hanlon and is not explicitly stated.
  • Cultural Context
    • The cultural context of this meme is that Dartmouth does not have an official mascot and students want one. All Dartmouth students are familiar with the “unofficial” mascot “Keggy The Keg”. The last time there was an official mascot was in the 1970s. The picture shows a green M&M to represent Dartmouth and a face with similar hair as Hanlon. The meme does not say it represents Hanlon but all Dartmouth students will see the humor because it looks like him.


Informant’s Comments:

  • Nick said he posted this because he saw this picture and it reminded him of Hanlon and since a lot of students complain about there not being a mascot, they would find the meme funny,

Collector’s Comments: 

  • I find this meme hilarious since it looks like President Hanlon a tad and pokes at a subject that Dartmouth students are familiar with. Though I love our unofficial mascot, I do think that a new mascot, possibly the one in the picture, would be appreciated by the campus.

Collector’s Name: Arthur Kaslow

Tags/Keywords: Dartmouth. M&M. President Hanlon. Mascot.