Steak Meme

Title: Steak Meme

General Information about Item:

  • Material and Verbal
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Sam Fox
    • From Edinburgh, Scotland
    • Started making memes because was one of first members
    • Sophomore at Dartmouth

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context:
    • This meme and its information were collected during a one on one interview in a study room in Baker Berry Library at Dartmouth College. Sam described how he made the meme on his computer as well as how this meme has since been spread around Dartmouth’s student population by way of the meme page, text messages, and email. This meme is meant to be enjoyed by Dartmouth students, but other college students might also find it funny due to the joke of the meme.
  • Cultural Context
    • The cultural context of this meme touches on two issues at Dartmouth. The first, FoCo undercooks their meat and it bleeds all over the plate. This is gross and unappealing. Most students who regularly eat at FoCo are aware of this. But, the second and more important joke is that  most Dartmouth professors who are tenured are not of color. This is why it is written over the “rare” part of the steak. This meme makes a joke out of a serious issue at Dartmouth that all students are exposed to,


Informant’s Comments:

  • Sam noted that both jokes in the meme were things he had problems with at Dartmouth. His goal was to combine the two and come up with a meme that can interpreted in different ways.

Collector’s Comments: 

  • I was impressed with Sam’s ability to come up with such a funny meme that makes joke of two issues here at Dartmouth.

Collector’s Name: Arthur Kaslow

Tags/Keywords: Dartmouth. Dartmouth Dining Services. Meme. Steak. Professors.

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