Last Chance Game

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Informant Information: Patrick Peterson is a member of the class of 2018.  He is also a member of the baseball team and the Chi Hereot fraternity.

Type of Folklore: Customary Folklore (Game)

Language: English

Country of Origin: United States of America

Social / Cultural Context: This is one of the newest aspects of Dartmouth relationship folklore. This is a way for students who are less outgoing to explore potential crushes they may have. The anonymous nature of the game creates low risk scenarios for all parties involved. Beginning each spring term there is a buzz about campus around when the Last Chance app will be released and once it is students immediately share the link with all their friends.

Transcript: “Well recently the Last Chances Website was released. This is where I can go and put in the name of a girl and if she anonymously puts in my name it will notify us of the match so we can have a chance to hook up before the year ends. The small rural campus allows that to be successful at Dartmouth”

Collector’s Comments: Patrick and his friends are all fans of this app. It is very exciting to see if somebody has mutual feelings for you but because the app is anonymous, there is no feeling of embarrassment or rejection if they do not feel the same way. Pat said this is not the most prevalent game on campus, as he did not hear about it until his freshman spring, but he believes that the app will continue to grow in popularity just like other dating apps.

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