Campus Relationship Beliefs

Informant Information: Joe Purritano is a member of the Class of 2016.  He is also a member of the baseball team and from New Jersey. Joe has been single for one year at Dartmouth and had a long-distance relationship for three years here.

Type of Folklore: Customary Folklore (Belief)

Language: English

Country of Origin: United States of America

Social / Cultural Context: The D-Plan offers great flexibility for students and very few Dartmouth students take the same path to graduation. The off-term flexibility also creates tension and difficulty for potential relationships. In addition to the D-Plan, the academic rigor and motivated student body seems to place school and their futures ahead of romantic commitments at this point in their lives. This reality has seemed to create a hookup culture at Dartmouth, where it is rare to find romantic commitment.

Associated File: 


Transcript: “The culture of romance here at Dartmouth seems to be of the hookup nature, doesn’t seem to be very relationship based. It seems to be more, I don’t want to downplay it, but one-night stands per say. Less romantic involvement because students are preoccupied with their careers, their futures, maybe not as emotionally open to certain things.”

Collector’s Comments: Joe seemed to think that fraternity parties did not foster traditional relationships, but rather an adventurous, easy-going attitude when it came to romantic engagements. He acknowledged that while many people seem to be frustrated with this, he doesn’t see it changing anytime soon.

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