Tag Archives: SMU

Southern Methodist University Initiation Rituals



Southern Methodist University Initiation Rituals


Informant info:

Class of 2018 at Southern Methodist University. He is from Glen Cove, Long Island.


Type of lore, Genre, Subgenre:

Customary Lore – Initiation rites





Country of Origin:

United States


Social/Cultural Context:

The informant is a member of an anonymous fraternity at Duke University. Duke is known a southern school with a large population of students from the northeast. Fraternities and greek life are a large part of the social scene at this school



“The older brothers would haze us quite frequently in our first term. I don’t think a lot of it is appropriate to describe now. One thing I can tell you is that there were many humiliating tasks. It is tradition that they would pour stuff (water, beer, syrup) on us sometimes, just to mess with us. ”


Informant’s Comments:

The informant described his experience with a negative tone. He explained that everything that they did was something that brothers “have always had to do.” Our other informants look back on their first term in the greek organization happily.


Collector’s Comments:

This lore is a great example of the initiation practices that are seen in southern schools. The initiation we see here is not like that of the northeast. It is based in testing of new members and humiliating them in order to establish subordination.



SMU, College, Initiation, Hazing, Customary Lore