Tag Archives: get ‘er done

Get ‘Er Done

Title: Get ‘Er Done

General Information about Item:

  • Verbal Lore, Joke
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Informant: Sabrina Huett
  • Date Collected: 2-27-18

Informant Data:

  • Sabrina Huett is a 20 year old sophomore at Dartmouth College. She was born in St. Louis, Missouri and moved to Plainfield, New Hampshire when she was four. Sabrina has lived in Plainfield ever since. She has played a variety of sports such as lacrosse growing up and has played hockey since she was 9. She has an older brother who went to RPI.

Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: Many athletes have superstitions that start unintentionally. When something occurs, and a good game or performance is followed, many athletes might attribute A to cause B. The action might then turn into a superstition that is repeated every time in the hope of the same outcome.
  • Social Context: Kate and Sabrina were in Smoyer Lounge (at Thompson Arena) after a game one night. Kate and Sabrina were standing with Sabrina’s brother and Coach Joe Marsh. Sabrina’s brother said “get ‘er done” in a rather weird context that made everyone laugh. The next game, Coach Marsh said “Get ‘er done” in the locker room and only Sabrina and Kate really understood the context.


  • After Coach Marsh made a joke about this saying, Kate and Sabrina went up to each other before leaving the locker room for the game and said to each other, “get ‘er done.” They kept this as a funny, yet meaningful pre-game ritual. “Get ‘Er Done” is a special inside joke that turned into a ritual for Sabrina and Kate.



  • “It’s a pretty funny story, but after one of our games my brother and I were joking around. He said “Get ‘er done” to me, and Marsh heard it and thought it was the funniest thing!”

Informant’s Comments:

  •  It really just started as a little inside joke but then it has turned into a pre-game ritual that we can’t go on the ice without saying to one another.

Collector’s Comments:

  • It is interesting hearing about how some of these rituals have come to be. Around the locker room everyone is doing and saying different stuff before every game, and some of these rituals really don’t make sense to any outsiders. It is funny to hear how the “Get ‘Er Done” quick slogan to each other came to be.

Collector’s Name: Brooke Ahbe


  • Verbal Lore
  • Joke
  • Get ‘Er Done