Tag Archives: Folk Speech


Title: Croo

General Information about Item:

  • Verbal Folklore: Folk Speech
  • Language: English
  • Country: United States

Informant Data:

  • The informant is a Dartmouth ’18 female. She went on a first-year trip in September 2014, was a member of Lodj Croo in September 2015, and served as one of the two Lodj Croo Captains in September 2017.

Contextual Data:

  • Social Context
    • Throughout trips, there are three different types of croos: H-Croo, Lodj Croo, and Vox Croo. These croos are responsible for providing different types of support throughout the trip.
  • Cultural Context
    • Croos represent the larger community at Dartmouth. Beyond students’ friends, there are always larger groups there to support students.


  • Groups of students that support trips in different ways are refered to as “croos”. Individual students are known as “croolings”.

Transcript of Informant Interview:

“Croos are basically “support crews”. They operate in different sections of trips, including the first day, the last day, and facilitating the process in between as well as a safety crew. There are a lot of different points where more support is needed beyond what the trip leaders can offer, so croos come in to have programming, bring in more traditions / more fun, and let the trippees get to know more upperclassmen at Dartmouth besides their own trip leaders.”

Informant’s Comments:

  • Informant was a member of Lodj Croo.

Collector’s Comments:

  • Informant was able to go into detail as she had been a member of Lodj Croo two times.

Collector’s Name: Roshni Chandwani


  • Verbal Folklore, Folk Speech