Author Archives: Kai Lord

Fun German Nursery Rhyme For Playing

Title: Fun German Nursery Rhyme For Playing

General Information about Item: 

  • Nursery Rhyme
  • Language: German
  • Country of Origin: Germany
  • Informant: Frederick Whelen
  • Date Collected: 05/17/2020

Informant Data: 

  • Frederick Whelen is a German American student at NorthWestern University. He grew up in San Francisco, California, but often went to Germany during the summer. His dad is German and taught him German growing up.

Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: This German Nursery is taught to many kids as a game, but also a way for learning about animals. Frederick said that his dad used to tickle him and play with him while reciting this rhyme. Not only was this nursery rhyme fun for Fredrick, but it was informative; he was able to animal sounds and actions when he learned this nursery rhyme.
  • Social Context: Frederick brought up this nursery rhyme when I asked him whether or not his dad had taught him any as a kid. Even though Frederick is sure there are more rhymes he learned, he only remembers this one.


  • Alle Meine Entchen: In certain contexts, this game is played with children to get them to calm down or rest, but it can also be a way of play in general. Many kids learn basic animal sounds and anatomy from this nursery rhyme as well.
    • The Nursery Rhyme:

      Alle meine Entchen
      schwimmen auf dem See
      Köpfchen in das Wasser,
      Schwänzchen in die Höh’.

      Alle meine Täubchen
      sitzen auf dem Dach
      Klipper, klapper, klapp, klapp,
      fliegen übers Dach.

      Ri ra Rutsch
      Wir fahren mit der Kutsch’
      Wir fahren mit der Schneckenpost,
      wo es keinen Pfennig kost’
      Ri ra Rutsch
      Wir fahren mit der Kutsch’

    • English Translation:

      All my ducklings
      swimming on the lake
      Head in the water,
      Tail bottoms up.

      All my doves
      Sitting on the roof
      Klipper, rattle, clap, clap,
      flying over the roof.

      Ri ra slip
      We travel on the coach
      We continue with the snail mail,
      where it a penny costs
      Ri ra slip
      We travel on the coach


Associated File/Transcript: 

Collector’s Comments: I can see how, depending on the tone used when reciting this nursery rhyme, a child can either be lulled to sleep and calmed down or riled up. It is interesting to see how one nursery rhyme can have so many different effects on the listener.

Collector’s Name: Kai Lord


  • Nursery Rhymes
  • Germany
  • Home

German Nursery Rhyme For Memorization

Title: German Nursery Rhyme For Memorization

General Information about Item: 

  • Nursery Rhyme
  • Language: German
  • Country of Origin: Germany
  • Informant: Anna De Hostos
  • Date Collected: 05/14/2020

Informant Data: 

  • Anna De Hostos is a college student at Yale University. She went to school in San Francisco, California, but attended summer school in Germany. She is half German and half Puerto Rican.

Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: This German nursery rhyme is a very famous rhyme which teaches kids about the months of the year. Its purpose is to be a fun, entertaining rhyme that also can educate children.
  • Social Context: This specific nursery rhyme was brought up after I had asked Anna what nursery rhymes she remembers from German summer school.


  • Die Jahresuhr: This nursery rhyme goes through the months of the year. While it is taught to children by parents and teachers, it has actually become more famous through song, which is where most people know it from about it nowadays. The actual song from Youtube is included in the Associated File/Transcript Section.
    • The Nursery Rhyme: Januar, Februar, März, April
      Die Jahresuhr steht niemals still
      Januar, Februar, März, April
      Die Jahresuhr steht niemals still
      Mai, Juni, Juli, August
      Weckt in uns allen die Lebenslust
      Mai, Juni, Juli, August
      Weckt in uns allen die Lebenslust
      September, Oktober, November, Dezember
      Und dann, und dann
      Fängt das Ganze schon wieder von vorne an
    • English Translation:
      January, February, March, April
      The Clock of the Year never stands still
      January, February, March, April
      The Clock of the Year never stands still
      May, June, July, August
      Wakes up in us the Mode for the Life
      May, June, July, August
      Wakes up in us the Mode for the Life
      September, October, November, December
      and then, and then
      The whole thing restarts

Associated File/Transcript: 

Collector’s Comments: I found this nursery rhyme extremely entertaining and somewhat soothing. It reminded me of songs that I learned in school when I was trying to remember the alphabet, numbers, math rules, or animals.

Collector’s Name: Kai Lord


  • Nursery Rhymes
  • Germany
  • School

German Nursery Rhymes Learned In America

Title: German Nursery Rhymes Learned In America

General Information about Item: 

  • Nursery Rhyme
  • Language: German
  • Country of Origin: Germany
  • Informant: Quincy Peters
  • Date Collected: 05/17/2020

Informant Data: 

  • Quincy Peters is a High School student from San Francisco, California. She considers herself to be a “spiritual liberal,” and has lived in San Francisco her whole life. Her mother is German and wanted her to know German growing up, so she enrolled Quincy in a German school program.

Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: These German nursery rhymes were used in various ways to entertain and teach children about the world. Certain rhymes were used when parents were playing with their kids, while others were used in school settings to teach children about physical objects, like animals and baking ingredients. The main object for parent-taught nursery rhymes was to entertain children, while school-taught nursery rhymes were mainly meant as an alternative means of education.
  • Social Context: These specific nursery rhymes were brought up after I had asked about the informant’s childhood, and if there were any differences between learning nursery rhymes at school versus at home.


  • Advent ein Lichtlein brennt: This nursery rhyme is based on a Christmas celebration. In Germany, the Advent tradition is the preparation for the arrival of “Christkind” on his birthday, december 25th.
    • The Nursery Rhyme: Advent, Advent,
      ein Lichtlein brennt.
      Erst eins, dann zwei,
      dann drei, dann vier,
      dann steht das Christkind vor der Tür.
    • English Translation: Advent, Advent,
      A little light is burning.
      First one, then two,
      Then three, then four,
      Then Christkind stands at the door.
  • Backe Backe: This nursery rhyme depicts the ingredients for a cake. It is usually sung to a child so that they hopefully remember these ingredients while baking.
    • The Nursery Rhyme: Backe, backe Kuchen,
      der Bäcker hat gerufen.
      Wer will feinen Kuchen backen,
      der muss haben 7 Sachen:
      Zucker und Salz,
      Butter und Schmalz,
      Eier und Mehl,
      Safran macht den Kuchen gelb.
      Schieb in den Ofen rein.
    • English Translation: Bake, bake the cake
      The baker has declared.
      If one wants to bake a fine cake
      He has to have these 7 things:
      Sugar and salt,
      Butter and lard,
      Eggs and flour
      Saffron makes the cake yellow,
      Slide it into the oven.
  • Häschen in der Grube: This nursery rhyme is sung to a sick child in hopes that they will get better and to lift their spirits.
    • The Nursery Rhyme: Häschen in der Grube saß und schlief,
      saß und schlief.
      “Armes Häschen, bist du krank,
      daß du nicht mehr hüpfen kannst?
      Häschen hüpf! Häschen hüpf! Häschen hüpf!”
    • English Translation: Little rabbit sat in his burrow and was asleep,
      Sat and slept,
      “Poor little rabbit, are you ill,
      So you can’t hop about any more?
      Rabbit hop! Rabbit hop! Rabbit hop!”
  • Hoppe Hoppe Reiter: This nursery rhyme is a popular favorite among children. They ride their parent’s knees while the parent sings this rhyme, and at the end the parent opens their knees dropping the child.
    • The Nursery Rhyme: Hoppe, hoppe, Reiter,
      Wenn er fällt, dann schreit er.
      Fällt er in die Hecken,
      Tut er sich erschrecken.
      Fällt er in den Sumpf
      Macht der Reiter plumps!
    • English Translation: Hop, hop, rider,
      If he falls, he will cry.
      If he falls into the hedges,
      He will get frightened.
      If he falls into the mud,
      The rider falls with a splash!

Associated File/Transcript: 

Collector’s Comments: I found these nursery rhymes very entertaining and catchy. I can see why they’re taught to children; they’re fun and easy to memorize!

Collector’s Name: Kai Lord


  • Nursery Rhymes
  • Germany
  • School
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