Internet Folklore

“TikTok Dances”


Hanover, New Hampshire

November 2020

Informant data: HE was born on June 18, 1999, in New York City, New York. She resided in New York City until the age of 8 when she moved to Charlottesville, Virginia. HE is 21 years old and a senior at Dartmouth College studying History and Spanish. She currently resides in Hanover, New Hampshire.

Contextual data: HE has downloaded the TikTok app but has not posted on her account. HE learned the dance to “Laxed Siren Beat” by watching videos of the dance and observing her younger brother dance it throughout their house. HE’s brother taught her the dances to “Say So” and “Savage” as well. HE has performed the “Savage” dance with her brother, mother, and sister. HE only knows pieces of the “Renegade” dance because she did not have enough time to devote to learning the choreography. 

HE believes that TikTok and its trends are influential and noted that the most popular songs at the moment are popular TikTok songs. She noted that TikTok has impacted the way people dance and she is also familiar with Charli D’Amelio. Finally, HE discussed how she references TikTok in conversations with friends outside of the app and she believes the platform is very important in today’s society.


Hanover, New Hampshire, United States of America

Dartmouth College

RUSS 13 Fall 2020

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