12 Grapes on New Year’s Day

General Information about Item:

  • Mexican Superstition
  • Language: Spanish
  • Country of Origin: Mexico
  • Informant: Jennifer Lopez
  • Date Collected: 10-17-18

Informant Data:

  • Jennifer Lopez was born in Chicago but her parents originate from Mexico. She is currently studying Studio Arts modified with Digital Arts at Dartmouth College. Jennifer only speaks Spanish at home with her parents and siblings. Although Jennifer grew up in America, her parents made sure to instill the Mexican culture in her upbringing.

Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: Many cultures around the world have different new year traditions members must do to usher in the blessings of the new year and forgo any misfortune the previous year brought.
  • Social Context: This superstition is a norm for Jennifer as every new year, her family gathers around for each person to eat 12 grapes. In terms of a social context, this superstition can be said to bringing families together to start the new year as one entity. In addition to this, it serves to encourage hope as they enter the new year. Unlike other superstitions discussed thus far, this superstition encourages the performance of an action. As a matter of fact not observing this practice is believed to bring bad luck.


Subgenre: bad luck superstitions

Item (translation)

You must eat 12 grapes right after the clock strikes 12 (midnight) on New Year’s. Each grape represents a wish for each month. Not doing so brings bad luck.

Collector’s Name: Ama Kyerewaa

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