Tag Archives: Similarities


Throughout this collection project we identified some similarities and differences among individual and team superstitions throughout our opponents in the Ivy League.  One of the similarities was that most of these superstitions were categorized by magic superstitions, which are based on cause and effect, and also containing cultural and social contexts. The second similarity that we found was that most team chants are passed down each year. Team chants were one of the most common team superstitions amongst the people we interviewed. Chants are a big part of team camaraderie and are a way to make sure every player heads into the game with high positive energy. Teams believe that if they all routinely chant together, they will enter the game strong and play well. There were many differences among individual player’s superstitions and these were inherited from others who came before the players, which have been passed down for generations. 

As we learned in class – everyone is the folk. All of the people we interviewed are the folk as they have their own folklore and share that folklore with others around them. Another main theme that we gathered is that most of the superstitions we collected were a result of a specific event that happened to the informant… for example, they broke a stick and had to use their backup with a bad tape job, which resulted in them playing badly, and they looked up to a teammate for guidance for an action to perform in order to play well.