Tag Archives: Santa Claus

Stocking Hanging

General Information About Item:

  • Material Lore, Item
  • Customary Lore, Superstition
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Informant: L. J.
  • Date Collected: 11-10-2021

Informant Data:

  • L.J. is a senior at Harvard University who grew up in Utah, but moved to Boston when he was a boy. He has a twin sister whom he shares many things in common with. He is a member of the Christain faith, but noted that his family’s Christmas traditions revolve more around being in the presence of each other rather than anything religious.

Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: The superstition originated as a means for the children to get to bed at a reasonable time on the night before Christmas. In addition, it’s interesting to note that the tradition started by the children being coerced by their parents in fear that they wouldn’t receive gifts from Santa, but L.J. and his sister have adopted this tradition themselves.
  • Social Context: Socially speaking, this superstition only involved L.J’s immediate family. While many other family traditions include members of the extended family it was interesting to see how L.J’s favorite tradition was specific to just his sister, his parents, and him.


  • L.J’s family tradition started when his sister and he were young children, when their parents told them that if they did not hang up their stockings at exactly 9:45 on the night of Christmas Eve, they would not receive any presents the next day. As the years have passed and the children have moved on from the lore of Santa, his family has continued this tradition to represent health and happiness moving forward throughout the holiday season and into the new years.


  • “Ever since my sister and I were young children, we’ve had a tradition of hanging our stockings up on the fireplace at exactly 9:45 PM in hopes that Santa would bring us gifts the following morning. My parents enforced this superstition one may call it, by saying that if we hung them up a minute early or a minute late, Santa might be unhappy with how we prepared for his arrival: he wanted it to be right on time. As we grew older and realized that Santa was not real, my sister and I took agency in this tradition and decided to keep it going to represent our familial health and wellness moving into the new year. It has turned into a superstition for my family that we do each and every year, and up until this point, it has not let us down so we will continue to do it!”

Informant’s Comments:

  • “I recall one year hanging my stocking up a few minutes after 9:45 and being worried that I would not receive any gifts the following day.”

Collector’s Comments:

  • L.J’s family tradition of hanging stockings at exactly 9:45 PM on Christmas Eve is the first superstitious tradition which I encountered in my interviews. It was interesting to hear how superstition adapted as the children grew older and learned that Santa is not real. L.J. mentioned that his parents worried that the tradition would fade away when the children reached a certain age, but it has truly developed into their family’s Christmas folklore.

Collected By:

Daniel Hincks

Boston, MA

Hanover, NH

Dartmouth College


Fall 2021

Superstitions Surrounding Santa Claus

General Information Data:

Customary Folklore, Superstition

Language: English

Country of Origin: United States

Informant: L.M.

Date Collected: 11/10/2021

Informant Data:

L.M. is an 18 year old girl born and raised in Portland, Oregon. She is also the sister of the Collector. L.M. is currently a Freshman at George Washington University in Washington, D.C. In High School, L.M. was a two-sport athlete who involved in both academics and extracurricular. At George Washington, L.M. is a member of the Trails club who enjoys spending time with her friends and exploring the Nation’s Historic Capital. 

Contextual Data:

Cultural: Christmas Gatherings in America are generally centered on two days: Christmas Eve, which occurs on December 24th, and Christmas Day, which occurs on December 25th. On these days, friends and families descend upon a certain household to engage in socialization and holiday activities. It is at these events that folklore traditions often emerge since they create a rare, jolly gathering of Folk. Christmas Eve is of particular importance because it is believed that Santa Claus comes to peoples homes on this night. Santa Claus is a culturally relevant character with magical abilities who brings gifts to Children during the Holidays. Christmas Eve gatherings can create folklore centered around Santa. 

Social: The informant’s family is a tight-knit community which gathers every year without fail on Christmas Eve at the house of one of the family members to celebrate the holidays. Christmas Eve is an intimate gathering which is generally restricted to family members and close friends. Yearly gatherings have created folklore amongst the children in the informant’s family.


L.M. and her cousins developed a tradition of tracking and informing their fellow family members of the whereabouts of Santa Claus using a mobile app called SantaTracker. This tradition was important because the children believed that they must be asleep when Santa Claus arrives at their home in order to receive presents. This represents a customary superstition surrounding the magical character of Santa Claus. While this superstition that Santa comes when children are sleeping is culturally relevant, in L.M.’s family the superstition was told by the Mothers of the family. 


“Me and my younger cousin Mallory every year had an app on our Mom’s phones called Santa Tracker. We would track Santa while he was flying around delivering presents around dessert time to make sure he wouldn’t come to our house before we were asleep because we wouldn’t get any presents. Sants’s not going to give you any presents unless you’re in bed and asleep. If you weren’t in bed when Santa came it ment you were naughty and got Coal in your stocking, thats what our Moms told us.”

Informants Comments:

This superstition and tradition began to fade away as belif in Santa faded. 

Collectors Comments:

This is an interesting piece of folklore. It represents a customary superstition surrounding Santa Claus. However, as the older brother in the Family, I was less inclined to believe this. I saw my younger sister and cousins obsessing over the app, but witnessed the folklore as an outsider. I think that my Mom just wanted a way to keep my sister in her room on Christmas Eve so she wouldn’t see my Mom wrapping presents. 

Collectors Name: Jackson McGinley