Tag Archives: rushing the field

Rushing the Field

Title: Rushing the Field

Informant info: Charles Cai is a current member of the class of 2016. He is 21 years old and from Princeton, NJ.

Type of lore: Customary, traditional

Language: English

Country of Origin: United States

Social / Cultural Context: Charles was interviewed outside his dorm. He has experienced the football game four times (once each of his years in college Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, Senior).

Item: Each year, during homecoming there is a football game. It is a tradition at half time for freshmen to hop the banister and run across the field during half time. Previously, only a few freshmen would rush the field since it would typically involve evading security. However, security generally allows the tradition currently.

Associated file (a video, audio, or image file):



Transcript (if verbal lore): N/A

Informant’s comments: Informant has rushed the field his freshmen year and watched subsequent classes also rush the field.

Collector’s comments: Rushing the field was an important and bonding experience for his freshmen friends. Rushing the field was previously a bigger deal than it currently is as security now allows freshmen to rush the field unmolested.

Tags/Keywords: homecoming, football, football game, rushing the field