Tag Archives: Hungarian/American

Dartmouth Superstitions

Title: Dartmouth Superstitions – Lotti Odnoga

General Information about Item: 

  • Customary Lore, Magic Superstition 
  • Language: English 
  • Country of Origin: Hungary 
  • Informant: Lotti Odnoga
  • Date Collected: 11/16/21

Informant Data:

Lotti Odnogais a 22 years old senior defenseman on the Dartmouth Women’s Ice Hockey team and also plays for the Hungarian National Team. She was born in Gyor, Hungary on January 19, 1999, she went to play for Vermont Academy in Vermont in her sophomore year and has been living in the US since then. 

Contextual Data: 

  • Cultural Context: The cultural context in Lotti’s superstitions is that many players among the Ivy league schools put their gear on in a certain order or listen to music before a game to get them ready to play.
  • Social Context: The social context of Lotti’s superstition is that when she rings the bell she sends the whole team off to have a good game. If she doesn’t ring the bell it results in a bad start therefore a bad game for her team. 

Item: Putting on her gear in a specific order and listening to the same songs is a customary type of folklore that falls under the genre of  magic superstition. Lotti performs her rituals before every game.

Transcript: “I have to listen to the same three songs before every game. Those songs get me dialed into the game. If I don’t listen to them my thoughts are all over the place and I can’t focus on the game and therefore my performance will be bad. The only superstition I have when I am getting dressed is that I have to tie my left skates before my right and then I have to step on the ice with my left feet first. A tradition that was passed down to me from a previous DWIH player is that before we step on the ice for the first time in a game I have to ring the bell that is on the way to the rink from our locker room. I am not really sure when this tradition has started, but I am pretty sure it has been more than 10 years. This superstition sends the team on the ice with good luck and to have a great game.”

Collector’s Name: Lotti Odnoga