Tag Archives: Canadian/American

Dartmouth Superstitions

Title: Dartmouth Superstitions – Annie King

General Information about Item: 

  • Customary Lore, Magic Superstition 
  • Language: English 
  • Country of Origin: Canada 
  • Informant: Annie King 
  • Date Collected: 11/06/21

Informant Data: 

  • Annie King is 19 years old and is a member of the 2024 class at Dartmouth college. She is in her second year of being on the Dartmouth Women’s Ice Hockey team, however, due to COVID this is the first season she is actually playing with the team. She is from Regina, Saskatchewan Canada where she was born and raised. 

Contextual Data: 

  • Cultural Context: The cultural context is that gatorade is a common sports drink among athletes. The Dartmouth team even has gatorade on the benches during their games and gatorade has been promoted by many professional athletes in commercials. 
  • Social Context: The social context is that Annie is one of many people who drink gatorade before the games. The magic component in this superstition is drinking the gatorade in ¼ increments and if she doesn’t do this she will play bad. 

Item: This is a magic superstition that comes from the category of customary folklore. 

Transcript: “I Always have to wear a purple under armour sports bra under my gear. I drink the gatorade in specific ¼ increments so ¼ before warm ups, ¼ before the first period, ¼ before the second period, and ¼ before the third period. 

Informant’s Comments: 

  • Annie also told me that if she doesn’t drink gatorade before warm ups she will have an off game. She also mentioned that these two superstitions brought her sister good luck when she played hockey, so she passed them down to Annie hoping that they would bring her luck as well. 

Collector’s Comments: 

  • This is one of the most specific superstitions I collected, but it is nice how Annie has kept her sister’s superstitions alive by bringing them to college hockey. 

Collector’s Name: Gabby Billing