Tag Archives: Athletes

Jersey Toss (Zack Bair)

  1. General Info
    1. Locker room tradition
    2. Informant: Vittorio Tartara 
    3. Place of Origin: Red Bank, New Jersey
    4. Customary Lore
  2. Informant Data
    1. Vittorio is a 21-year-old senior student at Monmouth University in New Jersey. Prior to attending Monmouth as a student, Vittorio played football at Red Bank Catholic High School from 2014 until 2018. Vittorio is originally from Monroe Township, New Jersey. 
  3. Contextual Data
    1. Following Red Bank Catholic football games, the players throw all of their jerseys into a big pile in the middle of the locker room, which are later collected to be sent out to be cleaned. 
  4. Item
    1. Following every Red Bank Catholic High School football game, a large pile of dirty jerseys is made in the center of the locker room in order for the jerseys to be collected and cleaned later. After victories, the coach would come into the locker room and talk to the players. After the coach’s speech is finished and the staff leaves the locker room, older players on the team would convene and choose any player that had a particularly good game, regardless of age. Once decided, a group of players will grab the selected player and throw them into the pile of dirty jerseys and even more jerseys are thrown on top of the player. 
Red Bank Catholic (Red Bank, NJ) Athletics
  1. Informant comments
    1. “I’m not sure how it started but it was something we also looked forward to doing after every win. Obviously it sucks to be thrown into a pile of disgusting, used jerseys, it was also seen as an honor cause it meant the other players on the team acknowledged how well the selected player had done in the win.”
  2. Collector’s Name: Zack Bair

Locker Room Cleanup (Zack Bair)

  1. General Information
    1. Informant: Conor Smith
    2. Place of Origin: New Haven, Connecticut
    3. Tradition, Customary Lore
  2. Informant Data
    1. Conor is currently a 21-year-old senior on the Yale University football team. Conor is originally from Red Bank, New Jersey and attended Red Bank Catholic High School where he played football. 
  3. Contextual Data 
    1. The Yale University football team based this tradition off of a similar tradition done by the New Zealand All Blacks, the most dominant international rugby team in history. Also, the Yale football team only elects a single captain per year, making it one of the highest honors bestowed upon any player on the team. 
  4. Item
    1. In the Yale Football team, there is a locker room tradition that after every practice or game, two players stay behind to help clean the locker room. The first player that stays behind every time is the captain of the team. The second player is one who is chosen by the coaches as someone who had a particularly good game or practice, or exhibited tremendous effort. 
Yale Welcomes 24 New Bulldogs to the Gridiron - Yale University
  1. Informants Comments
    1. “It is seen as the highest honor to be able to clean for the team which is why the captain also does it every day. It’s an honor in the sense that it is selfless and puts the team before yourself.”
  2. Collector’s Name: Zack Bair

Locker Room Prayer (Zack Bair)

  1. General Information
    1. Informant: MJ Wright
    2. Place of Origin: New York City, New York
    3. Verbal Lore
  2. Informant Data
    1. MJ Wright is currently a 20-year-old junior on the Fordham University football team. MJ is originally from Freehold, New Jersey. MJ played high school football at Red Bank Catholic High School.
  3. Contextual Data
    1. Fordham University, a Jesuit university founded in 1841, puts great emphasis and importance in the religious aspect of the university. This religious emphasis carries over onto the Fordham football team in their locker room prior to games with the recitation of the Lord’s Prayer.
  4. Item
    1. The Lord’s Prayer is a common prayer, recited at almost every Christian mass. The prayer goes:
    2. Our Father, who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come,

Thy will be done on earth,

as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread.

And forgive us our debts,

as we forgive our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil:

For thine is the kingdom,

and the power, and the glory,

forever. Amen.

  1. Informant Comments
    1. The religious aspect of the university is still very important within the football team. This is something I’m used to having attended a Catholic high school where we had a similar tradition.”
  2. Collector’s Name: Zack Bair