Tag Archives: Alumni hook-ups

Alumni Hookups

  1. Alumni Hookups
  2. Informant Data: Chris Rowan is a 19-year-old, female, first year student who attends Dartmouth College. She was born in New York, New York, but she now resides in Hanover, New Hampshire during the school year.
  3. Type of lore: Customary/Verbal;Genre: Ritual/Myth
  4. Language: English
  5. Country of Origin: US
  6. Contextual Data: Chris Rowan attends Dartmouth College and participated in homecoming rituals her freshman year. She has never witnessed or participated in this ritual herself, but has heard about it from other students and upperclassmen.
  7. Item: Every year during homecoming, alumni couples return to the rooms where they first hooked up and try to recreate this moment.
  8. n/a
  9. Informant’s comments: This ritual is weird and disturbing.
  10. Collector’s comments: Dartmouth homecoming is a time for unity, bonding, and the incorporation of a new class. Even though the alumni are still a part of this community, they are also very distant from it at the same time. Hooking up in their old rooms makes alumni feel as though they never left; they are very much so a part of the Dartmouth community.
  11. Ritual, myth. Alumni hook-ups