Max Mondays

Title: Max Mondays

General Information about Item:

  • Customary Folklore
      • Tradition
  • English
  • USA

Informant Data:

  • Maximilian Gomez is a 20 year old male from Concord Massachusetts.  He is a sophomore at Dartmouth College. He started playing rugby in High School, and has continued at Dartmouth.

Contextual Data:

  • The Dartmouth Rugby Club is a very social team.  Teammates frequently congregate outside of practice in the social realm.  A social tradition has thus popped up to do weakly meetings from a certain subset within the team.


  • Purely based on coincidence, there happen to be a lot of players named Max on the rugby team.  The tradition “Max Monday’s” thus has become a weekly custom in the club.  Every Monday, every player on the team named Max meets and has lunch together.  During these lunches, the players talk about how there week has gone, and their ambitions and attitudes as it pertains to the club.

Associated file (a video, audio, or image file):

Transcript of Associated File:

  • BH: This is Benji Hannam here with Maximilian Gómez, who also goes by Max. Max can you tell us a little bit about yourself
  • MG: Yeah sure, my name is Max Gomez, I’m a Dartmouth Student class of 2019, 20 years old, I am from Concord Massachusetts, which is a suburb of Boston.
  • BH: So you are here today to tell us about the tradition of Max Mondays, obviously your name implies that you are a part of this tradition.  Could you give us a little information about this.
  • MG: Yeah for whatever reason, there is a strong lineage of the name max in the Dartmouth Rugby Club, there just happens, by coincidence, to be a lot of people named max and so it sort of shot off into a little bit of a subgroup of the club itself, and the way that has been demonstrated is with this tradition of Max Mondays. So basically on Mondays everybody in the club whose name is max will meet and have lunch together where we will talk about how we are doing in life in general but also how we are doing in the rugby club and what our aspirations are moving forward.  The older kids named max give the younger kids some advice on that front, so last year we had a kid named max from every single grade, so we would get together and the older kids would give us some advice and we would just sort of catch up and bond as friends.
  • BH: Awesome thank you very much.
  • MG: No problem.

Informant’s Comments:

  • There is also a text “groupchat” that all the players named Max can converse in.

Collector’s Comments:

  • NA

Collector’s Name: Max Gomez


  • Max
  • Name
  • Rugby
  • Mondays