Introduction to Knighthood – England’s 21st

Cultural Lore                                                                                                                                                  Myself

“The family sword”                                                                                                                          Naperville, Illinois 

                                                                                                                                                                November 2020


Informant Data:

Malcolm Robbins is the son of a wheat farmer who grew up in Walton, England. Malcolm went to college in the United States and stayed there after graduating. He is now a director at a financial institution and has three children of his own: two daughters and one son. He is now 45 years old. 


Context Data:

Although he has adopted much of the American culture, he cherishes some of the milestone birthday traditions that are so prevalent and salient in the social fabric of England. The 21st birthday in England society is symbolic of gaining knighthood. This was a big promotion during the monarchical days when the Crown held sway. Being a knight represented having more responsibility and defending the interests of the Crown. Malcolm and his family have rich traditions for the 21st birthday milestone. 



On the night the person turns 21, all the males from the direct family lineage meet up for a gathering to celebrate the birthday of the individual. There is much drinking and laughter, memories were shared of Malcolm and the dumb things he did as a teenager. Most importantly, there was a custom sword made for Malcolm and given to him once the clock hit midnight. By that time, Malcolm recounts “the sword looked like it was bending in different directions, but I know that was just the liquor.” Malcolm says that the traditions are more symbolic in modern day, but the 21st birthday actually used to be a day in which the individual was accepted into knighthood.  

Malcolm Robbins, 45                                    

213 Hobson Street, Chicago, Illinois 60532


Russ 013

Dartmouth College
