Instructions for uploading folklore collections

Folklore Project, Word Press Instructions

Log in onto the folklore collection web site

You might need to confirm the invitation sent to your email from WordPress before accessing posting on this site.

Your collection will consist of an Introduction and folklore items that you upload as POSTS.

The Introduction is a post that contains general information about your topic. Items are posts that contain separate items of your collection. To create an Introduction post or an item post, choose NEW and then POST ( i.e. create new post) in the menu at the the top of your screen.

The Introduction post should contain an overview of your project as a whole, a general characteristic of the genre, informants, your conclusions etc. You may use your final presentation as part of this post. 

Please use the item template  below to create at  item post.

Once you have created the content of the post, supply it with CATEGORIES and TAGS. To do so find the corresponding menu items ( categories, tags) in the post editing menu on the right side of your screen.

Your categories are predetermined for you:

Your category is  Fall 2021  and your subcategory is  Fa2021_Your group ( find your group among categories for Fall 2021).

Your tags you have to choose/create on your own. Please use the following scheme. 4-5 tags, with 

  • one tag for genre/domain (e.g. joke, tongue-twister, superstition, tost)
  • one tag for the  language/ethnic group ( if relevant) ( american,russian, german)
  • one tag for the professional/gender/age group (if relevant, e.g. programmers, doctors, students, children)
  • one tag for the region/institution ( if relevant, e.g. new england, dartmouth)
  • one or two tags for other descriptors you find relevant ( e.g. soccer, christmas, etc)

Please add the tag “Introduction” to your introduction post.

Once you’ve entered the title and added categories, tags, and a featured image in the right column, click the “Save Draft” button. Once you’re satisfied with your work, click the blue “Publish” button.