Freshmen Mistakes

Title: Freshmen Mistakes

General Information:

  • Narrative
  • 5/3/2019
  • English
  • USA, Dartmouth College

Informant Information:

  • Anoop Shildah
  • 20 years old
  • Grew up in Los Angeles, CA
  • Studies Economics, Philosophy, and Math at Dartmouth College

Contextual Data

Social Context:

  • Anoop stated that this meme is relatable because he has freshman friends who try to do much, and they recently had a conversation about trying to balance schedules at Dartmouth. He thought it was funny because it brings a sense of light heartedness to an issue that freshman typically face.

Cultural Context:

  • This meme highlights recent national conversations around vaccines in America following a resurgence of preventable diseases such as mumps and measles. The majority of people who are anti vax utilize ineffective non scientific based holistic remedies, lampooned in this meme by “herbs, green tea, and aloe.” This meme shows that these cures are not going to be enough to stop people from dying from infectious diseases, much like the lamp posts will not support the building.