
Title: Anti-Vaccination

General Information:

  • Verbal Art
  • 5/3/2019
  • English
  • USA, Dartmouth College

Informant Information:

  • Caroline Jones
  • 18 years old
  • Grew up in Charlotte, NC
  • Studies Quantitative Social Science at Dartmouth College

Contextual Data

Social Context:

  • This data was collected in King Arthur Flour in Baker Library. Caroline stated that this meme was found on instagram, and had been shared with her by one of her friends. This meme had been liked and shared many times from people all over the world since its initial posting on instagram.
  • Caroline said that this is darker than most memes, emphasizes a serious issue facing the health of the United States population, and pokes fun at the possibilities of the anti-vaccination movement gaining traction to attempt to drive social change.

Cultural Context:

  • This meme highlights recent serious national conversations around vaccines in America following a resurgence of preventable diseases such as mumps and measles. The majority of people who are anti vax utilize ineffective non scientific based holistic remedies, lampooned in this meme by “herbs, green tea, and aloe.”
  • This meme shows through analogy that these treatments are not going to be enough to stop people from falling ill from infectious diseases, much like the lamp posts will not support the building from collapsing on the individuals standing at its side.