Author Archives: f0035nd

Men’s Varsity Swim & Dive


General Information about Item:
Genre: Sports Tradition – Pregame Tradition
Language: English
Country of Origin: United States

Informant Data:
Matt Luciano is a 21 year old male born in Cincinnati, Ohio but raised in Mountain Lakes, New Jersey. He is a Junior at Dartmouth College and has been swimming competitively for 17 years. He has been on the Varsity Swim and Dive Team for three years, participates in an elementary school pen pal program through the Swim team, and is a member of Beta Alpha Omega. He first encountered this tradition in October 2017 in FOCO on Dartmouth College’s campus.

Contextual Data:
Social Context: The following tradition occurs before every Varsity Swim and Dive meet. Both the origin and the meaning of the chant are unknown, yet the swim team maintains that the chant goes all the way back to the origin of the team. The chant serves to hype up the team before a meet.


“Kipsalana, Kipsalana Squish Squa.
Tie hi Silicon Sku Cum Wa.
Mojo Mummik.
Muka Muka Zip.
Dartmouth Dartmouth Rip Rip Rip.
Tie Hi Sis Boom Ba.
Dartmouth Dartmouth Rah Rah Rah.”

Collector: Robert Hopkins