Quentin Kopp Jokes

Title: Quentin Kopp Jokes

Informant Info: Mene Ukueberuwa is an Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of The Dartmouth Review. He is a ’16 (formerly ’14) from Princeton, NJ. He was interviewed on May 12, 2016 at the Collis Center in Hanover, NH.

Type of Lore: Verbal, Joke

Language: English

Country of Origin: United States

Social / Cultural Context: The Review has some eccentric subscribers. Some of the mail sent by these subscribers have now become jokes that are often repeated within the organization.



Very true. We have definitely some eccentric subscribers who like to send us letters to the editor, comments, criticism, things like that.  So one of the more famous is a fellow named Quentin Kopp, class of ‘49, so getting up there in years, and he’s a very careful reader of the paper, so he sent us some letters criticizing our use of language, I remember one of our staffers named Charles Jang coined the term “studentry” to refer to the student body, and Quentin Kopp sent him an angry letter telling to “shape up.”  Most recently, Mr. Kopp sent us a letter pointing out that some of the people listed on our advisory board in the paper have passed and asking us to update that, but he also was under the false impression that one of our students, a freshman, had passed, and asked us “Is Max Frankel alive?”, which made us all kind of scratch our heads, we made sure to check on him to see if he indeed was, but it was a good thing that he was safe and sound.

Is Max Frankel alive?

Is Max Frankel alive?

Collector’s Comments: “Is Max Frankel alive?” is now a joke often repeated within the organization. “Shape up!” is also a common expression used in an ironic and joking way at the Review. These jokes bring the organization together and also help bridge the gap with alumni who may be from another generation.

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