Men’s XC Cheer

Title: Men’s XC Cheer

General Information About Item:

  • Verbal/Customary folklore
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Informant: CD
  • Date Collected: 10/21/21

Informant Data:

  • Male, 19 years old, Born in New Hampshire, Currently living in Hanover, NH
  • CD is a long distance and XC runner at Dartmouth

Contextual Data:

  • Cultural Context: Cross country races are both a team and individual sport. While individual performance is important, so is the team’s as a whole. These races also take place outdoors with hundreds of competitors from different schools all starting on the same start line.
  • Social Context: Since Cross country is a team sport, making sure that the team is bonded and eager to help each other is essential to placing well in a meet.


  • CD described a team cheer which the Men’s cross country team chants before every meet. The whole men’s team gathers in a huddle to perform the chant. He described two parts, person A (usually the team captain) leads the chant while the other line is shouted by the whole team in response.

Informant Comments/Quotes:

“We have the same cheer before every race.”

Person 1: “Men of dartmouth set a watch”

All: “Lest the old traditions fail” – CD

Collector Comments:

  • The team cheer seems like it really gets the whole team excited and ready to work together in the coming race. I can see how it’s extremely important to have the team get together for one final chant before it’s time to compete.

Collected by: Chloe Taylor

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