“Say So”

“Say So”

Title: “Say So”

General Information about Item:

  • Customary Lore, dance routine
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: United States
  • Informant: I.T.
  • Date Collected: 11-04-20

Informant Data:

  • I.T. grew up in a small town in Northern California called Orinda. She attended public elementary, middle and high school. She is first generation Vietnamese and a senior studying at UC Santa Cruz. She is twenty years old.

Contextual Data:

  • I.T. does not have a Tiktok account or the Tiktok app downloaded, however has still been involved in making Tik Tok videos through her friends accounts. She however, is still exposed to the app through her explore page on a different social media app, called Instagram. Instagram reposts Tiktok videos through ‘Reels’, which is Instagrams implementation of Tiktok within their app.


  • This dance is about 20 seconds long. It involves shaking your hands out to the side twice, then pretending to knock the top of your head. The dancer then punches the air, making a circle with their fist. The dancer then rolls their body before doing the hand shakes again.

Dance Example:v09044c90000bnu0diud9kv2cfscm540

Informant’s Comments:

  • Mainly knows the moves involving the punch and roll.

Collector’s Comments:

  • This dance is of a moderate difficulty. The song’s dance was picked up by the original recording artist Doja Cat and used as a catalyst to create a music video for the song. The video features Doja Cat performing the TikTok dance.

Collector’s Name: Rachelle Louie


  • Customary Lore
  • Dance
  • Internet Folklore

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