
Title: Fingers

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General Information about Item:

  • Type of Lore: Drinking Game
  • Language: English
  • Country of Origin: America
  • Informant: Eric Stolt 
  • Date Collected: May 15, 2019

Informant Data: Eric Stolt is male from Dartmouth College. He was born and raised in Plymouth, Mn. He moved out to Hanover, NH to continue his education in 2016.

Contextual Data: This drinking game was observed in 2017-present during the informants college years. This game was observed in Dartmouth college dorms during Eric’s time at Dartmouth. 


Fingers is a very straightforward drinking game that is easy to learn. The game is usually played with four to six people who all put one finger on a beer can or a shot glass. Whomever decides to start, will begin by counting down from three and after the person says one every player can either decide to keep their finger on the car or decide to take it off. If the player guesses the number of fingers left on the can correctly he is now out. The game continues until one only one person remains with their finger on the beer can. The person that lost has to now take a shot of alcohol  that is predetermine before the game started.

So who taught you this game?

The informant learned this game from his roommate Henry Eilen during his sophomore year of college. 

Informant’s Comments:

This game is best played with five or six people, usually friends of yours. With larger groups, greater than 7 players, the game usually takes too long and people lose interest. The informant likes this game because it is very easy to learn and can often be used as an ice breaker. The game also involves some strategy, which is the reason this game can be so fun and engaging.

Collector’s Comments:

I really enjoyed this game. It is incredibly easy to learn and can be very competitive at times. This game is a completive drinking game.

Collector’s Name: Henry Eilen


  • Skill Based Drinking Game
  • Competitive Drinking Game

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