D-Plan vs. Summer Break

Title: D-Plan vs. Summer Break

General Information:

  • Joke
  • 4/27/2019
  • English
  • USA, Dartmouth College

Informant Information:

  • Elijah  Roth
  • 20 years old
  • Grew up in Los Angeles, CA
  • Studies Economics at Dartmouth College

Contextual Data

Social Context:

  • Elijah said this meme was sent to him via text message from one of his friends at another school who was already out on summer break.

Cultural Context:

  • The D-Plan is the structure used by Dartmouth College which is similar to the quarter system. As a result of this system, Dartmouth students do not get breaks at the same time as most schools, leading Dartmouth students to feel like they’re missing out on summer break studying while many of their friends are on vacation.
  • Spongebob is a very popular children’s cartoon which makes it an extremely relatable base to use for a meme since many people are familiar with the characters and their personalities.


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