Just Brand It

Title: Just Brand It

General Information:

  • Pun
  • 4/27/2019
  • English
  • USA, Dartmouth College

Informant Information:

  • J.C. ‘19
  • 21 years old
  • Grew up in Los Angeles, CA
  • Studies Economics at Dartmouth College

Contextual Data

Social Context:

  • J.C. said he found this meme on the Dartmouth Meme facebook group, “Dartmouth Memes for Cold AF Teens”.
  • Everyone who attended Dartmouth during the alleged incident has since graduated, meaning current students only know about AD through word of mouth and think of it as a way of reflecting back on the past.
  • Students interpret it different ways based on their experience at Dartmouth and their opinions on the Greek System.

Cultural Context:

  • The fraternity Alpha Delta (AD) was derecognized on April 13th 2015 down due to allegations that the members were branding pledges.
  • The film, “Animal House” released in 1978 was based off of Miller’s experiences and the antics he experienced during his time at Dartmouth.
  • Chris Miller ‘63, a member of AD during his time at Dartmouth, co-wrote a screenplay entailing his experiences as a member of AD called “The Real Animal House: The Awesomely Depraved Saga of the Fraternity That Inspired the Movie”.

Collectors: Colby Conner

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