
General Information

  • Language
  • Tradition
  • Country of Origin: USA
  • Infromant: EH
  • Date Collected: 10/29/2021

Informant Data

  • Informant started running when he was in 6th grade. He always did track to try and get stronger and faster. He likes to compete in a lot of events and considers himself a jack of all trades. Hence, why he now competes in pole vaulting and long jump at Dartmouth.

Contextual Data

  • Cultural context: Before when EH was in HS, track was mostly used for football players to get faster and explosive. However at Dartmouth the people in the track team are all dedicated to that one sport, which makes the team’s morale stronger since they care for the sport and each other.


  • The item collected is a series of jumps that EH performs before he starts. EH jumps and rotates his arms around 3-4 times. This tradition is common amongst jumpers in order to relieve any last minute nervousness and to get the jumper ready. 

Informants Comments

  • “The main purpose of the track team is a place to have fun and where they can hangout”

Collectors Comments

  • I’ve never done track or field but I did play soccer from MS-HS and there are certain traditions that players do right before a game to alleviate any nervousness. I would either tie my shoes over and over again, or do high jumps right before the whistle blew.

Collectors Name

  • Robert Lopez

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