
General Information Data: 

Customary Folklore, Events/Decorating

Language: English

Country of Origin: United States

Informant: H.N.

Date Collected: 11/10/2021

Informant Data: 

H.N. is a 21 year-old Dartmouth ‘23 originally from Little Rock, Arkansas. At school, H.N. is the CFO of a mental health awareness non-profit. Additionally, H.N. is a member of the Theta Delta Chi Fraternity, also known as TDX. H.N. enjoys hunting and hanging out with his friends in his free time. 

Contextual Data: 

Cultural: At Dartmouth, Fraternities are known for being the prime social spaces. They host social events nearly every weekend, with the Majority of these events being un-themed and simply for the sake of a social gathering. Therefore, these events are simply gatherings and not folklore. However, there are some fraternity events which can constitute folklore because of their unique nature. 

Social: Along with hosting general events on the weekends, Theta Delta Chi has a few particular traditions which they are known to host. As a brother of Theta Delta Chi, the informant is the member of a folk group. Our interview concerned traditions within this folk group. These traditions are possibly folkloric, as will be explored further.


Every year, as the Fall Term ends and the Holidays approach, TDX throws their annual TDXmas party after the last day of classes. TDXmas is a unique tradition with a multitude of facets which make it a truly special event. The basement, which is the fraternity’s social space, is covered in Christmas wrapping paper and colored lights. This decoration process is quite unique. After decorations are put up, the fraternity brothers gather in the basement in Christmas Garb for a traditional Secret Santa gift exchange, in which each brother gives a gift to a fellow brother. Following this exchange, the campus is invited to join the brothers in partaking in festivities in their last week on campus before Winter Break. 

Associated File: 

An image of TDXmas Decorations


I remember my first time setting up for TDXmas. It took hours. All of the guys in my class were down in the basement and we were blasting Christmas music. I think we used staple guns to attach the wrapping paper and lights to the wall. With all of us working together, it was pretty cool to see the finished product and then have a party with our friends after.”

Informants Comments:

“No, I couldn’t tell you who started TDXmas. For all I know, we’ve has been doing it for 100 years”

Collectors Comments

The Unknown Origins of this event are particularly interesting because it reveals a traditional folklore activity which is passed down through generations. I think the decorating process is particularly folkloric. It is a collective effort which is passed down orally. There are no written directions to decorating. The brothers are just told to decorate and they do. This also means there is probably a multiple existence to TDXmas, and there have been many iterations of TDXmas celebrations. Plus, the name TDXmas itself is a mnemonic play on words from the term X-mas. Nonetheless, the tradition continues to be passed down through generations as a customary folklore event. 

Collectors Name: Jackson McGinley

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