Count Your Blessings – Reem Atallah

Title: Count Your Blessings

General Information About Item:

Verbal Folklore Language: English

Language: English

Country of Origin: United States

Informant:  A.R.

Date Collected: 10-23-21

Informant Data: 

A.R. is a fourth-year student at Dartmouth. She is from the East Coast. She is very involved in political and arts groups on campus. She lives with both of her parents and her little brother who has just finished high school. Her family really enjoys bonding and enjoying holidays like Christmas all together in their home.

Contextual Data:

Social Context: 
Christmas is A.R.’s favorite holiday so this was a very fitting lullaby for her family. Her family really enjoys watching this holiday classic and even still watch this movie occasionally during the holidays and are reminded of the song as her lullaby when they re-watch the film.

Cultural Context: 

This lullaby is based on the song from the popular holiday film entitled “White Christmas.” This song was written by Irving Berlin in 1954. In the film, this song is performed by Rosemary Clooney and Bing Crosby as a way to remind the audiences to think of all the blessings they have in their life.

Associated file: 

Informant Comments: 
“White Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas movies and I still like listening to this song at times so I think my parents did a pretty good job of picking a lullaby for me as a kid.”

Collector Comments: 
I LOVE this movie so I thought this was the sweetest lullaby. I remember this song from the movie and how the lyrics were so warm and beautiful.

Collectors Name: Reem Atallah

Tags: Dartmouth, English, female, student, verbal folklore

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