A, You’re Adorable (Emma Macaione)

General information about item: 

  • Verbal Folklore
  • Childhood Lullaby
  • Langauge: English
  • NJ, USA
  • Information date collected: 11-03-21
  • Informant: Nieve Donegan

Informant Data:

  • Nieve Donegan is a female Dartmouth student in the class of 2024. She grew up in New Jersey and is one of four.  She is in SHEBA, a dance group at Dartmouth. This lullaby was collected as one that she remembers most and notes it as the way she learned her ABCs and was sung to her before bed. 

Contextual Data: 

  • Social Context: This lullaby was sung to Nieve every night before going to bed when she was little. She notes that although it was a nursery rhyme that she heard at school, she loved the tune so much that she requested her mother sang it to her before going to bed. 
  • Cultural Context: This lullaby is a nursery rhyme used to teach young children their “ABC’s.” It is typically longer than most lullabies, but has a steady, soothing tune. Nieve loved this lullaby and noted that she would sing it to her siblings before going to bed when she got older when her mother couldn’t.  


“A” you’re adorable
“B” you’re so beautiful
“C” you’re so cute and full of charm.
“D” you’re a darling and “E” you’re exciting
“F” you’re a feather in my arms
“G” you`re so good to me
“H” you’re so heavenly
“I” you’re the one I idolize
“J” we’re like Jack and Jill
“K” you’re so kissable,
“L” is the love light in my eyes.

“M” – “N” – “O” – “P” I could go on all day
“Q” – “R” – “S” – “T” alphabetically speaking, you’re OK
“U” made my life complete
“V” means you’re very sweet,
“W” – “X” – “Y” – “Z”…
It’s fun to wander through the alphabet with you
To tell you what you mean to me!


Informants Comments: 

  • I loved nursery rhymes so much growing up, so I would always make my mom repeat them to me as lullaby’s before going to bed.

Collector’s Name: Emma Macaione

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