“Go to Sleep” (Lucy Murray)

Title: “Go to sleep”

General Information about Item:

Verbal Folklore

Language: American

Country of Origin: USA

Informant: P.S.

Date Collected: 11-5-21

Informant Data: 

P.S. is 20 years old from Orange County, California. She has grown up in California and loves to be outside surrounded by family and friends. She is the oldest of 3 girls and plays lacrosse at Dartmouth College. Her parents are extremely supportive and important to her. Her Dad is involved with the football industry and is a very intelligent, creative man. This lullaby collected from P.S. has been a staple in her family for as long as her grandparents can remember. 

Contextual Data: 

Social Context: 

This lullaby was sung to P.S. growing up. Her parents shared that they heard this lullaby as children as well. P.S.’s siblings also sung this lullaby and they appreciated that for whoever it was sung to, they could change the name to personalize the lullaby. Growing up, P.S. would not be able to fall asleep without hearing this lullaby before bed.

Cultural Context: 

P.S.’s family is from the Netherlands, but for as long as she can remember her family has been in the US. So, this lullaby is American and has no relationship to P.S.’s Dutch heritage. It has become a staple in her life and her siblings’ life, and she would consider it a fundamental part of her childhood and culture growing up. 


Go to sleep,

Go to sleep,

Go to sleep my little Peyton, close your eyes, and have sweet dreams

And in the morning we will play 


Informant Comments: 

I’m not really sure where this lullaby originated but it has been in my family for as long as I can remember. I love that I can vividly remember hearing this before bed and I can’t wait to pass it along to my children.

Collector Comments: 

This interview was very relatable to my own life as I did not have any lullabies that originated from a different country. However, I had many that my family has passed on throughout the years. Overall, this interview was productive and I really enjoyed speaking with Peyton. 

Collector’s Name: Lucy Murray 

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