Dartmouth Corporate Recruiting Folklore


  • Dartmouth Corporate Recruiting is a rather structured and regimented process Dartmouth students go through in order to secure professional employment. Given the ubiquity of recruiting at Dartmouth and the fact that those who go through Corporate Recruiting constitute a rather large and widely diverse group, we thought Corporate Recruiting Folklore in particular would be an interesting thing to explore. And so we here delve into three fields of work and explore the three dimensions of folklore (customary/material/verbal) that are relevant to each. The three disciplines in question are Finance, Consulting, and Technology. We interviewed a host of different Dartmouth students from a wide variety of backgrounds and collated the attendant folklore shared among individuals recruiting within specific professions. It bears emphasizing here that the information enclosed was not taken from books or instructions, but was rather aggregated via a process of direct one-on-one interviews whereby we solicited the beliefs, stories, and notions that are circulated via word of mouth in the folk groups of aspiring consultants, financial analysts, and technologists.  We recorded items from the following types of folklore: verbal, material, and customary. In speaking to a host of different informants for each particular discipline involved, we discerned a great level of uniformity within the answers we received. What is particularly gratifying about  the aforementioned is that it validates and speaks to a collective or universal sense of folkloric tradition within each of the disciplines we look at. 


  • What we share here constitutes as folklore because the customary, verbal, and material notions highlighted are shared amongst the groups of aspiring financial analysts, consultants, and technologists. And as Alan Dundes notes, the folk are any group of people who share at least one thing in common. As one can therefore imagine, the group of people interested in any of the fields noted above would constitute a folk group given their collective interest in any particular discipline. The things then shared within any particular folk group with respect to the discipline of interest would constitute folklore. It is those shared elements that we present here.





  • 💡Abdul-Ghalib Agboola
  • Danny Li
  • Trent Shillingford
  • Mark Cui
  • Joseph Wang
  • Yixuan He


  • Verbal Folklore, Customary Folklore, Material Folklore
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