FNR Concert: Hazel English + Gabby’s World

Genre: Indie Pop

Mood: chillax

Background information: I am a part of a club called Friday Night Rock. We bring live music for free to students at Dartmouth College. It’s an awesome time and people should definitely come to a show if you attend Dartmouth (shameless plug).

This Friday, we brought an artist called Hazel English. First off, The lead singer is such a sweet human being with a perfect vibe. The duo was just super cool and I was in awe working with them in the venue.

The concert itself had the most chill vibe. Everyone was just standing and swaying and drinking their beers— it was just a cool scene. And SO many people showed up. The aura in the room was like what you see in the movies.

Up close and personally venues are personally my favorite. Being with an artist in such a small space is so much better than a big arena (no offense because I loved working at Mohegan Sun Arena but I just love attending small concerts).

I had such an incredible time, that I purchased their album on vinyl “Just Give In / Never Come Home”. I couldn’t help it. I’m gonna waste all my money on music. It is bad.

But listening to this album with a cup of coffee while doing school work is one of the best things ever.

Check out Hazel English. Also, high key check out the opener Gabby’s World. They are super cool too. The two acts worked together well and lots of talent in the room for sure.

Okay, I’m definitely forgetting parts of this concert, but FNR concerts are always a blast. So come through, listen to great music, and have a wonderful evening.


The Music Bean