No Vacancy – Rainbow Kitten Surprise

Genre: Folk music

Mood: back to sad music

I have no lie been listening to this song on repeat for the last two weeks. At first, when Rainbow Kitten Surprise came out with “Mary (b-sides)” in May 2019, “Heart” was the song I listened to non-stop. Now, “No Vacancy” has taken its place in top songs I listen too.

It’s all about the lyrics to me. You should know that by now. Through this song, I realized what type of lyrics I like the best. It’s the kind you can make your own story too because there is already a story there. Let me explain: love songs with only “baby” and “I love you” or “I want you” aren’t gonna cut it for me. It’s lyrics like “Are you a light force?” (caamp, 2019) or “I wanna melt you down into the stars” (Barns Courtney, 2019) or “Save your lights for all the colors they’ll bring you in your sleep” (RKS, 2019).

The lyrics that make you say, “I don’t know what the heck this means but it means something and it makes my heart hurt.” Does that make sense? Probably not. I don’t know how to explain this to you guys because words can’t describe it. And I’m trying to use words to describe it… so if you don’t get it just pretend you didn’t read this part at all.

It is lyrics you know has a story so you have to make up your own.

I’m gonna just attach all the lyrics here because there is not one favorite lyric I have to talk about:

The song, as pointed out by a wonderful human being, is like a run-on sentence of ideas and meaning. However, throughout these run-on sentences, the beats and strumming and melodies are changing.

It is truly a masterpiece. Look at the lyrics, listen to the song, cry a little.


The Music Bean