Running – Sam Gifford and The Innocent

Genre: Alternative Rock

Mood: Roll your windows down and have faith

I believe music can not only have a mood, genre, or meaning— but music has a reaction. Running by Sam Gifford and the Innocent creates a chain reaction of inspiration and longing I hope my readers can become a part.

Over a month ago, @samgiffordati commented on my blog post and asked me to listen to their new song. I listened, and I really enjoyed. Now, I finally have the time to share this song with you. (See, this is why you guys need to share music with me I promise I listen)

Driving across the country, this was a song I listened to constantly. It is something about the guitar riff at the beginning and builds of the song that makes this perfect for driving with all the windows down.

Also, if you read my blog, you know my deep emphasis on lyrics. After the first line of the song, I was automatically hooked: “There’s not a note that can satisfy this song”… I have no idea what this means but I love it.

It is lyrics like “I’ll run to that place where time is never enough” that make you question meaning, passion, and metaphors altogether. Something about this song inspires hope. That no matter what the consequence or hardship, it will never be too much to keep him away from home.

Where is home? I am not sure. It could be a physical place, a person, an idea. But this song implies that you will get there.

I am just trying to share good music with you all. Let’s find music together.


The Music Bean