In Vain – Sigrid

Genre: pop

Mood: oof

Her vocals kill it in this song. Like wow. And the way this song builds in kind of a bop way. I’m shook.

I am writing about this song the first time I am hearing this. Like I am seriously blown away.

This girl has such a unique voice and her lyrics always speak truths and hurt and happiness and straight emotion. You can tell the struggle she is dealing with in this song.

I love how it starts with only a guitar, and then by the end, it’s a jam session. Did not expect that. And how the bridge is so light when the verses are so deep.

“It’s you I’m going to miss, the one I tried to fix, pathetic as it is.”

Haven’t we all tried to fix someone? Yet she is admitting this is dumb, and won’t give her heart in vain.

Everyone should listen to this song.

K still shook bye.