Tusk – Fleetwood Mac

Genre: Rock

Mood: “favorite build of all time” -Ben Nesselrodt

This is a true mood. Although I think there are other songs that may fight for the best build of all time title, this is SO good.

Everything happening and building in the background just fills the soul. And the drum solo in the middle leading to more instruments coming in… ugh it is so good. You cannot appreciate this unless you listen to full volume and jam out. It is a song that needs to be danced too.

Usually, I am really focused on the lyrics of a song, but this song could be good without lyrics (shocker for me right). However, I do feel like the simple lyrics add something to the power.

I think I am just rambling at this point… oh well I am gonna keep on rambling.

Why don’t you ask him if he’s going to stay?
Why don’t you ask him if he’s going away?
Why don’t you tell me what’s going on?
Why don’t you tell me who’s on the phone?
Why don’t you ask him what’s going on?
Why don’t you ask him who’s the latest on his throne?
Don’t say that you love me
Just tell me that you want me
Just say that you want me
Just tell me that you
^Those are all the lyrics. Read and listen. My favorite part of this song is when they sing the lyrics near the middle and end. It is so rough and powerful and makes me super happy.
Anyways. With these blog posts, I don’t care of you read a single thing I say (i am pretty sure I don’t make sense half the time). Just listen to the music. That is what is most important.
The Music Bean