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Junior Summer

After my gap year, I returned to school in the summer of 2021.

Below are the three classes I took that summer, with links to the writing I did for those classes.

Topics in Economic History, a history seminar about 20th and 21st century development in the non-Western world, culminating in a substantial paper on the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).

Archival Research, a historical methods class teaching how to access and understand the historical archive. The final paper in this class was a research proposal for a potential future dissertation on local sources on Musa I's reign in the 14th century Empire of Mali.

American Music: Roots and Revolutionaries, a music class about major movements and figures in American music. Rather than writing a research paper, my final project team wrote a sequel song to "Stagger Lee" to the tune of Lloyd Price's famous version of the song.