Day 53: One Church, Two Church, Red Church, Blue Mausoleum

Blogging from Ravenna, Italy on November 14th, 2019 Bloggers: Mack and Sophia Steps Taken: 10,000 After our lobby lecture with Professor Bradley the night before, we were excited to see some of the incredible sites in the development of Christianity that he had been talking about. We arrived at our … More Day 53: One Church, Two Church, Red Church, Blue Mausoleum

Day 47: Three Churches and a Birthday

Blogging from Rome, Italy on November 6, 2019 Bloggers: Mila and Sophia Steps: 15,000 Buongiorno! This morning, we visited several early Christian churches: the Mausoleum of Santa Costanza, the Church of St. Agnes, and Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri (Saint Mary of the Angels and the Martyrs). Although … More Day 47: Three Churches and a Birthday

Day 4: Terme Museum, Baths of Diocletian

Blogging from Rome, Italy on September 13, 2019 Bloggers: Leo and Sophia Steps taken: 15,900 The day began smoothly as we arrived at the termini station with forty-five minutes to buy a picnic lunch, grab breakfast from a cafe and take a selfie with one of the fourteen (!) obelisks … More Day 4: Terme Museum, Baths of Diocletian