Day 11: Arches and the Adriatic

Blogging from Ancona, Italy, September 21, 2019.

Bloggers: Kylie and Mack

Steps Taken: 10,500

Flights Climbed: 20 floors

Today we began with a wonderful lesson from Prof. Stewart about the early inhabitants of the Pesaro area. We also enjoyed visiting the Roman Domus at Pesaro. We learned about the proper names for the rooms of the house, and the importance of the impluvium in holding rainwater for functionality.

We then visited the Arch of Augustus, successfully marking our trip from the beginning to the end of the Via Flaminia. The arch was a great testament to imperial power and its capabilities in influencing the direction of everyone.

We decided to take a break at an “auto grill”, a combination gas station, restaurant, and department store all in one. We had a hearty lunch and continued on our journey.

In Ancora, we were greeted by Trajan’s arch, a monument to the influx of wealth that comes with war spoils. Ancora is a valuable port city, which has been lovingly referred to as “The Detroit of Italy”. We arrived at the hotel rather early, at 5:30 pm. We worked on our essays and went to dinner, giving us time to get some much-deserved rest.

Grazie e Ciao

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