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Ecco alcuni esempi di un progetto digitale prodotto da  studenti del corso del 2013

Per il mio progetto digitale ho scelto di esplorare il potere delle donne di alcuni dei testi. Il cibo in molti dei testi attua come veicolo di communicazione ma anche come veicolo di potere in modi diversi. Ho scelto di parlare dei testi La Locandiera, Casalinghitudine, e Conversazione in Sicilia.


Why am I doing a digital artifact?

Your digital project serves to capture your reflection of what you have learned from the various readings and authors this term. Since text is a dominant mode to express knowledge, and you have read and written quite a bit in this course, I would like you to try e different way to communicate what you learned and discovered in this class. The digital is, in itself, multimodal and will offer you the opportunity to express your understanding of the texts, authors and themes covered in this course trough different approaches and modalities.

 What is a digital artifact?

A digital artifact is something that is designed to be experienced on the web. It will contain:

  • Two or more of: text, image, sound, video, links.
  • It will be easy to access and view online.

 How I am going to realize it?

Your digital artifact should be published somewhere on the web which is publicly accessible. For your assignment, you will submit a link to your artifact (see video for instructions) and you will receive feedback from peers on the course.

To serve as a guideline, please make sure your digital project includes the following 7 Elements of Digital Storytelling (Center for Digital Storytelling, Berkley, CA):

You are free to be as creative as you'd like, and are encouraged to use any of the digital media tools listed below. Make sure to download the rubric to cover all points in your presentation.

  1. Prezi - Prezi is a whole new way to present material in a way that makes a huge impact.  It is cloud-based, so you can access and edit your presentation on the web. [Tutorial]
  2. Storify - Storify users tell stories by collecting updates from social networks, amplifying the voices that matter to create a new story format that is interactive, dynamic and social. [Tutorial]
  3. Storybird - Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you can make and share on any device. [Tutorial]
  4. Xtranormal - Xtranormal instantly turns your words into a 3D animated movie via the use of avatars. [Tutorial]
  5. Voicethread - Voicethread allows you to combine various media that you can record into and comment on. [Guide]
  6. Thinglink - Create rich images with music, video, sound, text & more.
    Share and discover deeper stories through images. [Tutorial]
  7. EdCanvas - The one place to organize, present and share knowledge. [Tutorial]
  8. Glogster - Mix Web, Images, Text, Music and Video. [Tutorial]

These tools are helpful to create content (software for items to be used in the presentation softwares above).

  1. Wordle - A toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. [Tutorial]
  2. Tagxedo - Turns words - famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters - into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text. [Tutorial]
  3. iMovie - Video editing software available on all Macs on campus. [Tutorial]
  4. Animoto - Show your photos and videos in a quick and elegant manner. You will be able to create 30 second videos only (unless you pay for the upgrade). [Tutorial]
  5. Videoscribe - Often called Whiteboard animation or sometimes Fast Drawing, VideoScribe replicates the stop-motion capture style of drawing that's so popular on commercials at a fraction of the cost. [Tutorial]
  6. WeVideo - Video creation platform that is completely online. [Tutorial]
  7. GoAnimate - Another online video editing platform. [Tutorial]
  8. PicResize - Resizes a single or multiple image.

Once you have created your digital project, you will need to create a post. Make sure to follow the video tutorial and cover the following items:

  1. Title the post with the name of your project.
  2. In the post, give a short 4 - 5 sentence summary about your project. Beneath it, paste your link to your digital project.
  3. Three of your peers will leave a comment on your post to give constructive feedback on what you did well and how you can improve your project.
  4. Your project will be graded using this rubric. You may download it to help you as you plan your project.

Digital Project WordPress Post tutorial video

What should be the content?

There is a lot of flexibility in the content of this project. Go back and look at your notes, at the class discussions and blogs. Find a lens of observation, a theme, an idea that is important to you and express it digitally.  You do not need to cover all the authors.

When is the deadline for submission?

Check the syllabus

How do I evaluate my peers' projects?

These are the criteria you will use to evaluate the digital projects:

  1. The digital artifacts clearly addresses at least 3 authors in the course
  2. The digital artifacts shows a critical understanding of the texts
  3. The choice of media is effective and appropriate to the message
  4. The digital artifact stimulates a reaction in the peers.
  5. The digital artifact proposes a unique perspective

Try to have fun with this and use it as a chance to think broadly and creatively



  1. Point of View - What is the main point of the story and what is the perspective of the author?
  2. A Dramatic Question - A key question that keeps the viewer's attention and will be answered by the end of the story.
  3. Emotional Content - Serious issues that come alive in a personal and powerful way and connects the audience to the story.
  4. The Gift of Your Voice - A way to personalize the story to help the audience understand the context.
  5. The Power of the Soundtrack - Music or other sounds that support and embellish the story.
  6. Economy - Using just enough content to tell the story without overloading the viewer.
  7. Pacing - The rhythm of the story and how slowly or quickly it progresses.

Why am I doing a digital artifact?

 Your digital project serves to capture your reflection of what you have learned from the various readings and authors this term. Since text is a dominant mode to express knowledge, and you have read and written quite a bit in this course, I would like you to try e different way to communicate what you learned and discovered in this class. The digital is, in itself, multimodal and will offer you the opportunity to express your understanding of the texts, authors and themes covered in this course trough different approaches and modalities.

 What is a digital artifact?

A digital artifact is something that is designed to be experienced on the web. It will contain:

  • Two or more of: text, image, sound, video, links.
  • It will be easy to access and view online.

 How I am going to realize it?

Your digital artifact should be published somewhere on the web which is publicly accessible. For your assignment, you will submit a link to your artifact (see video for instructions) and you will receive feedback from peers on the course.

To serve as a guideline, please make sure your digital project includes the following 7 Elements of Digital Storytelling (Center for Digital Storytelling, Berkley, CA):

You are free to be as creative as you'd like, and are encouraged to use any of the digital media tools listed below. Make sure to download the rubric to cover all points in your presentation.

  1. Prezi - Prezi is a whole new way to present material in a way that makes a huge impact.  It is cloud-based, so you can access and edit your presentation on the web. [Tutorial]
  2. Storify - Storify users tell stories by collecting updates from social networks, amplifying the voices that matter to create a new story format that is interactive, dynamic and social. [Tutorial]
  3. Storybird - Storybirds are short, art-inspired stories you can make and share on any device. [Tutorial]
  4. Voicethread - Voicethread allows you to combine various media that you can record into and comment on. [Guide]
  5. Thinglink - Create rich images with music, video, sound, text & more.
    Share and discover deeper stories through images. [Tutorial]
  6. EdCanvas - The one place to organize, present and share knowledge. [Tutorial]
  7. Glogster - Mix Web, Images, Text, Music and Video. [Tutorial]

These tools are helpful to create content (software for items to be used in the presentation softwares above).

  1. Wordle - A toy for generating “word clouds” from text that you provide. The clouds give greater prominence to words that appear more frequently in the source text. [Tutorial]
  2. Tagxedo - Turns words - famous speeches, news articles, slogans and themes, even your love letters - into a visually stunning word cloud, words individually sized appropriately to highlight the frequencies of occurrence within the body of text. [Tutorial]
  3. iMovie - Video editing software available on all Macs on campus. [Tutorial]
  4. Animoto - Show your photos and videos in a quick and elegant manner. You will be able to create 30 second videos only (unless you pay for the upgrade). [Tutorial]
  5. Videoscribe - Often called Whiteboard animation or sometimes Fast Drawing, VideoScribe replicates the stop-motion capture style of drawing that's so popular on commercials at a fraction of the cost. [Tutorial]
  6. WeVideo - Video creation platform that is completely online. [Tutorial]
  7. GoAnimate - Another online video editing platform. [Tutorial]
  8. PicResize - Resizes a single or multiple image.

Once you have created your digital project, you will need to create a post. Make sure to follow the video tutorial and cover the following items:

  1. Title the post with the name of your project.
  2. In the post, give a short 4 - 5 sentence summary about your project. Beneath it, paste your link to your digital project.
  3. Five of your peers will leave a comment on your post to give constructive feedback on what you did well and how you can improve your project.
  4. Your project will be graded using this rubric. You may download it to help you as you plan your project.

What should be the content?

There is a lot of flexibility in the content of this project. Go back and look at your notes, at Lino, at the class discussions and journals. Find a lens of observation, a theme, an idea that is important to you and express it digitally.  You do not need to cover all the authors.

When is the deadline for submission?

Domenica 2 Marzo

How do I evaluate my peers' projects?

These are the criteria you will use to evaluate the digital projects:

  1. The digital artifacts clearly addresses at least 3 authors in the course
  2. The digital artifacts shows a critical understanding of the texts
  3. The choice of media is effective and appropriate to the message
  4. The digital artifact stimulates a reaction in the peers.
  5. The digital artifact proposes a unique perspective

Try to have fun with this and use it as a chance to think broadly and creatively



Some Useful Literary Terms in Italian

I GENERI: genres

  • la poesia / la lirica: poetry / lyric poetry
  • una poesia: a poem
  • un verso: verse; line
  • una strofa: stanza
  • la rima: rhyme
  • un poema (epico, pastorale, cavalleresco,ecc.): longer (often narrative) poem (epic, pastoral, chivalric)
  • la prosa / la narrativa: prose / fiction
  • un romanzo: novel
  • una novella/un racconto: short story (first term usually refers to works up to 19th century; second to 19th-20th c. works)
  • un paragrafo: paragraph
  • una frase / un periodo: phrase / sentence
  • una riga: line
  • un saggio: essay
  • un trattato: treatise
  • l’epica: epic
  • Il dramma / il teatro: drama / theatre
  • una commedia : comedy
  • una tragedia : tragedy
  • un atto : act
  • una scena: scene
  • un dialogo : dialogue
  • un monologo : monologue
  • una battuta : line
  • una didascalia : stage direction
  • una parte / a solo : aside

il cinema

  • un film il soggetto: subject
  • il trattamento: screen treatment
  • la sceneggiatura : screen play


  • Il Duecento : 1200s / 13th c. Il Medioevo : Middle Age
  • Il Trecento : 1300s
  • Il Quattrocento : 1400s
    • L’Umanesimo
  • Il Cinquecento : 1500s
    • Il Rinascimento
  • Il Seicento : 1600s
    • Il Barocco (la Riforma, la Controriforma
  • Il Settecento : 1700s
    • L’Illuminismo (il Neoclassicismo)
  • L’Ottocento : 1800s
    • Il Romanticismo
    • Il Realismo (il Naturalismo il Verismo)
  • Il Novecento: 1900s
    • Il Decadentismo
    • Il Crepuscolariso
    • L’Ermetismo
    • Il Futurismo
    • Il Modernismo
    • Il Postmodernism



  • l’autore / l’autrice : author
    • [autore reale vs autore implicito] real author vs implhied author
  • il lettore: the reader
    • [lettore reale vs lettore implicito]: real reader vs implhied reader
  • il / la protagonista : protagonist
  • i personaggi : characters
  • il narratore / la voce narrante: (not to be confused with the author) narrator / narrative voice
  • la trama / l’intreccio : plot
  • l’ambientazione : setting
  • il senso letterale / il senso figurato : literal meaning / figurative meaning
  • il linguaggio : language
  • lo stile : style
  • l’argomento : theme, topic
  • un’immagine : image
  • un motivo : motif, theme
  • monologo interiore : interior monologue (stream of consciousness)
  • punto di vista : point of view
  • un mito : myth
  • un simbolo : symbol


Some rhetorical terms or figures (Quoted definitions from Richard Lanham, A Handlist of Rhetorical Terms)

  • metafora : metaphor (an implied comparison between two dissimilar things; an anaolgy that identifies rather than, as with simile, likeness: "Life is a bowl of cherries").
  • allegoria : allegory.("Extending a metaphor through an entire speech or passage.")
  • similitudine : simile ("One thing is likened to another, dissimilar thing by the use of like, as , etc.; distinguished from metaphor in that the comparison is made explicit: 'My love is like a red, red rose.'")
  • allusione : allusion, hint, indirect reference.
  • parodia : parody (humorous imitation of an author's style or thematics)
  • ironia : irony ("Expressing a meaning directly opposite that intended.")
  • paradosso : paradox ("A seemingly self-contradictory statement, which yet is shown to be true: 'She makes the black night bright by smiling on it.'")
  • ossimoro : oxymoron ("A condensed paradox." Ex.: " a bittersweet love")
  • personificazione : personification ("An animal or inanimate object is represented as having human attributes or addressed as if it were human.")