Consent Form

Speaking Our Truths: Oral Histories of Black Women at Dartmouth College

This research project is being conducted by Tailour Garbutt from AAAS Department at Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA. This project focuses on the unique experiences of black women at Dartmouth College. The goal of the study is to record the experiences and narratives of black female students while also raising awareness in the Dartmouth community about the topic. This important piece of Dartmouth’s history must be documented and retained. Possible participants include self-identified black women across the decades, beginning in the 1970s with the first class of women and continuing on to current students (members of the Classes of 2018, 2017, and 2016).

Your participation is voluntary. Participation involves a 45 to 60 minute interview. You may choose to not answer any or all questions. With your permission, the interview will be audio and/or video recorded. You may request that the recording be stopped at any time. The audio recordings will be transcribed and, with your permission, archived at Dartmouth College.

The information collected will be used in a creative non-fiction piece. With your permission and approval this document will be made available to the public. It be included on a website that will act as an archive for these histories. Moreover, it will be presented to the AAAS Department and the Dartmouth community this spring. With your permission, your name and responses will be included in presentations and papers concerning this project.

Questions about this project may be directed to:

Tailour Garbutt
Undergraduate Senior, AAAS and English Major
1355 Hinman
Hanover, NH 03755

I give permission for my name and the information I provided in my interview to be used in this project and to be made available to the Dartmouth community and general public.


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