What is a Third Space?

Found in the basement of Collis, “8 Ball Hall’ is one of Dartmouth College’s few student designed and orientated spaces on campus.  However, this space has larger significance than simply being a student lounge. 8 Ball Hall, and spaces similar to it, are designed to be a “third place,” a term defined by Ray Oldenburg; “a place [where] one goes to be around other people – to build community, to hang out, to feel connected.” That being said, pool halls or game rooms on college campuses are tools that effectively build a community. As a result, they effectively craft a new genre of campus space. Now student lounges are interactive social spaces that focus on providing many forums for people to be together, rather than on people being in the same spaces together.


The kind of environment in 8 Ball Hall
The kind of environment in 8 Ball Hall / Photo taken by Noah Piou, 2016


As implied in the name, this student lounge, featuring three pool tables, two arcade machines, and three televisions, is a space where people gather to play pool, interact with others, and enjoy the environment. With the intriguing signages along the wall, loud music, and comfortable seating, the many facilities of the space create a mix of activity which fosters conversation and a broad definition of community, key aspects of a third space.


One of Dartmouth College's Student Lounges