The Physical Space


8 Ball Hall is large and spacious, leaving ample room for students to gather around their own table without bumping into others and for bystanders to enter and observe. Excluding the large couch area on the left side of the room, 8 Ball Hall can comfortably fit twenty-four people. On a typical weekday evening, there are around ten to fifteen people users in the entire space but on a Friday or Saturday night, the space is often filled with people, nearing around twenty-five to thirty people. This size is aptly suited for its purpose; its big so that the room can accompany a large amount of people but still provides ample opportunities and spaces for public conversation, a critical goal of the area. More importantly, the size allows for random interactions between people.

When students aren't playing pool, they are often found lounging here
When students aren’t playing pool, they are often found lounging here / Photo taken by Noah Piou, 2016


In order to craft a place where one purposely goes to be around other people,  8 Ball Hall uses size to its advantage. With a large size, yet one that is neither too big nor small so features of conversation are not lost,  people can easily develop close relationships with others users of the space. Not only that, since the room can occupy many, the chance for random contact of people vastly improves. People are more likely to encounter others whom they have never met before, making conversations more influenced by different and new points of view.

One of Dartmouth College's Student Lounges