What is Clinical Depression, exactly?

TW: depression, depression symptoms, brief mention of suicide

The term “depression” can be used in multiple ways. Like it says in Merriam-Webster’s definition for depression, it could be referring to a mood state, as indicated by feelings of sadness, despair, and discouragement. We’ve all felt depressed before; think of the last time you were sad or frustrated. (more…)

On Your Terms

“Dear future self,

Hopefully you aren’t dreading reading this right now. Hopefully you’re a content, fulfilled person. Hopefully the future excites you more than it scares you. Hopefully senior year wasn’t so bad and the good memories outweigh the bad. Hopefully you’re not too hard on yourself and are proud of where you’ve gotten. Hopefully your skin is better lol and you’ve stopped sabotaging it yourself. Hopefully you’ve learned in an actual classroom, went to prom, and graduated in person. Hopefully you feel ready to be an adult. Hopefully you’ve kept in contact with friends and made new ones. Hopefully your family is more repaired. Hopefully your hard work has paid off, and if it doesn’t seem like it yet, it will in the future. Hopefully your mental health is doing better. Hopefully you’ve done more good for the world and felt good doing it. Hopefully you’ve held onto your hopes and dreams. Hopefully you’ve grown and generated new perspectives.
