About Me: GavGav!

Greetings to all who have made their way to this webpage! I have no idea just how you got here, but I can assure you that I will make your stay worthwhile. Don’t leave! At least not yet. I’m sure you are already intrigued enough by my interesting nickname in the header of this portfolio, and I promise you I can captivate you even more.

Hello there! My name is Gavin Michael Fry, I’m 19 years old and I’m a member of the class of 2025 at Dartmouth College. Some call me “GavGav” – my childhood nickname, “GavMan” – a nickname given to me by close relatives, and my favorite, just “Gav.” (I love it when people address me as “Gav,” it makes it seem like we are already have a personal friendship!)

Born in Northeast Arkansas, I have lived in the Southern U.S. my entire life. I only moved a few miles when I was an infant; nevertheless, it was across state lines and I have lived in Southeast Missouri for the 19 years of my life. I have a brother (Logan, age 10) and a sister (Emma, age 5) and they a major contributor to the motivation I have to succeed in life. I went to elementary, middle, and high school all at Senath-Hornersville High School – the quintessential, small town school system where everyone knows everyone and everyTHING about one another. I made some lifelong friendships there which facilitated my love for academics throughout high school. This brings us to some of the most exciting aspects of my life so far.

I was accepted into the Ivy League Dartmouth College on April 6th, 2021. It was a surreal experience. After months of ACT studying, trigonometry cramming, and sleepless nights, it paid off in my eyes. Coming from the underrepresented area that I did, I find myself truly passionate about equalizing education and promoting outreach to small public high schools from more elite institutions such as Dartmouth. I feel that I was entirely in the dark about how to apply and doubted that I could even get into such a place being from Hornersville, MO, with a population of around 600 people. I was wrong, I am here! But so can so many more students who are just as, if not more, passionate and intelligent as I am. Through connections and networking at Dartmouth and my intricacies as a writer, I want to make it a personal mission to keep in contact with members of my community and communities alike to recruit other bright and talented students from similar backgrounds. Maybe even through this site! Hopefully?

I am currently (as of August 2021) a participant in the FYSEP Summer Program which is my first in-person Dartmouth experience! I truly cannot wait to make memories at this wonderful establishment and some close friends and soulmate along the way.

I never said it was going to be easy, I said it is going to be worth it.

I would love for you to come with me through this journey. I hope to use my portfolio to document my growth and maturity as I develop as a Dartmouth student. Let’s take the journey together, shall we?

The Front Page of My Life