Project #2 Syrian War Podcast

This is the first time that I made a podcast project for academic work. As such, I had to familiarize myself with using garageband and sound editing. This time, I was trying to tell a personal story rather than a detached narrative. Each creative decision I made, from what I said to whose perspectives I included, served the purpose of telling that story. The target audience for my podcast remained the same as the target audience for my infographic. However, I felt that my podcast had a broader appeal due to its simplicity.

I presented a narrower focus with my podcast. I decided to make a podcast about the current conflict in Syria because of its pertinence and significance to American militarism. Again, because of the controversial nature of the topic I chose to merely present an alternative viewpoint rather than make a strong argument one way or another. The stories I presented about Syrians living peacefully were at the core of my message. If we continue to support war in Syria, the peace and lives of the Syrian people are put at risk. I was hoping that my audience would keep that in mind after listening to my podcast. The mainstream media presents a narrative that supports United States initiated regime change in Syria. After listening to my podcast, I hope that my audience leaves with a more nuanced perspective on this conflict.